Thursday 10 September 2015


Spring is upon us and boy oh boy is it hot where I am, personally I love the rainy season and winter, this season just brings out the worst in  me.

Ok so hygiene is of utmost importance during this season, its hot and people are sweaty and musky and this is the best time to fall in love with bathing and taking great care of our bodies. Ladies the only part of your body that is allowed to have hair is your head.

I know shaving and getting rid of unwanted hair can be a drag especially for my working ladies ,but you can pick out weekends and get the deed done. I find it easier to do it while in the shower or just before you take a bath. The armpits need to be squeaky clean ladies, now there is just no excuse on this one, nobody wants to see hairy armpits especially when its hot!!!Smelly armpits are just the worst.

Oh and those hairy legs that our great great parents thought were cute!!!!!well they were back then hunnies  a thousand years ago. Do not think you cute with your legs trying to compete with King Kong kkkkkk.

And its not only the ladies that need to take care, even the men need to get with the program. Smelly armpits are a turn off and a NO NO!! If you know that your feet can be tricky then I suggest you invest in a good foot powder and change and wash those socks as often as possible.

Lets   enjoy spring and keep ourselves clean and fresh, these are some of my spring must haves.

God Is Love


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