Friday 23 January 2015


Its finally Friday, I would like to think everyone of us loves FRIDAY. I have made Fridays our Fashion Friday on this blog, so Fridays we do all things fashion. We will be interviewing celebrities or discussing a certain celeb every Friday.

Ok so some people do drugs and some drink alcohol, I don’t drink, don’t do drugs but I DO buy shoes, shoes and more shoes. I am a shoe-addict, I just love shoes. I am more of a heels type of girl but at times I do appreciate flats and sneakers.

Shoes are my weakness, buying shoes does wonders for me emotionally but financially it is bad for my pocket kkkkkk.
A pair of heels if worn correctly can do wonders for one’s confidence. A tip though; when you rock your high heels do not bend your knees, no matter how painful the shoe gets NEVER give in to the pain. Hold your head high and walk it off, strut, the world should be your run-way

I consider my shoes my babies. Well, EDEN is my Number 1, and then the shoes follow. I go to a mall to buy clothes and I return with a pair of heels, my husband never stresses about Valentine’s, birthday or anniversary presents because he knows the one present I truly appreciate is a pair of killer-heels.

So I have added a picture of some of my favourite babies. Would love to see your favourites so do leave a picture of you baby’s ladies. Kkkkkk.

God is Love



  1. Eish l love flats, l do have heels but m not a fan somehow. I wear them once in a while. How can l gain my confidence when in heels n how does one know which heel is good for them?

  2. Well what I have realised is that when it comes to heelz you have to spot which design suits your feet. There are heelz that are peep-toes (e ones that show off your toes) those ones need people with lovely toes kkkkk,mine are ugly but I wear them when my toe-nails are done like the white and black picture

    The mistake that we make when we wear heels is to overthink it, OMG I am wearing heels,,what if I fall??what if I miss a step?STOP!!!what if YOU DON'T fall and actually rock them?so when u do wear them do not look down at your feet when you walk,look straight ahead just like driving a car look straight ahead

    Wear them when you home cooking,let your feet and shoes get to know each other,when you finally wear them outside you will ROCK!!! Try it and tell me how it goes

  3. Will definitely do that n try the open shoes :)
    PS-"I got nice toes"
